Course Proctoring
Proctoring is available in the Testing Center (located in Lab 3201 of the Paksoy Technology Center) when classes are in session. Instructors should submit a Request for Proctoring Form at least one week prior to a test being proctored.
Once the request for proctoring is submitted, students should schedule an appointment by emailing
Students must start the test at least 2 hours prior to closing.
Proctoring Guidelines
- All testers must provide at least one valid photo ID with the same name as on the test appointment documentation before administering a test.
- It is the instructor’s responsibility to inform their students of the materials needed for all course tests.
- It is the instructor’s responsibility to provide the test administrator with a list of items that students are allowed to use during testing (i.e., calculators, rulers, books, etc.). The Testing Center will not provide materials/supplies beyond the basics of pens/pencils and scratch paper.
- The Testing Center is not authorized to make changes or corrections to course testing materials.
- The Testing Center is not authorized to reset passwords or extend the time for testing without written permission from the instructor(s).
- If testing irregularities occur due to circumstances beyond a student’s control (i.e., power outages, faulty equipment, etc.), the Testing Center will communicate with the student’s instructor(s).
- Personal belongings (other than those authorized by instructors), cell phones, smart watches, or other electronic devices are not permitted in the testing area. They will be stored by the Testing Center upon arrival.
- Cameras may be used to monitor activity in the testing area.
Non-CCC Course Proctoring
Our Testing Center provides fee-based exam proctoring for students in Cleveland and surrounding communities who are enrolled in distance learning courses at other colleges, or others seeking certification or licensure exams.
A Request for Non-CCC Course Proctoring form must be completed prior to any test being administered. Once the request for non-CCC course proctoring has been made by the home institution, an appointment can be made to test. Proctoring will take place on campus at the Paksoy Technology Center, room 3201.
A $20.00 test proctoring fee for each test administered must be paid before any test can be proctored. Fee payments should be paid to the Cleveland Community College Business Office. Cash, check (made payable to CCC), Money Order, VISA, Mastercard, Discover, and American Express are accepted. Business Office Hours: Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Payment can be made by calling 704-669-4006.
- Test fees may be paid in advance for more than one test.
- Test fees paid will not be refunded.
- Please bring a copy of your receipt to the test site on the day of the test.
- A Test Proctoring Form must be completed and submitted for each test prior to any test being administered.
- Testing appointments are required in advance of any testing date. Appointments can be made once the Request for Non-CCC Proctoring form has been received. Appointments can be made by emailing
- It is the responsibility of the instructor at the home institution to inform his/her student of materials needed for all course tests.
- It is the responsibility of the instructor(s) to provide the CCC Testing Center with a list of items that students are allowed to use during testing (i.e., calculators, rulers, books, notes, etc.). The CCC Testing Center will not provide materials/supplies beyond the basics of pens/pencils and scratch paper.
- The CCC Testing Center is not authorized to make changes or corrections to course testing materials.
- If online testing takes place, the CCC Testing Center is not authorized to re-set passwords or extend time for testing without written permission from the home institution’s instructor(s).
- If testing irregularities occur due to circumstances beyond a student’s control (i.e., power outages, faulty equipment, etc.), the CCC Testing Center will communicate with the student’s instructor(s) regarding such irregularities. If these situations were to occur, there would be no charge for the student to re-schedule the test for which he/she was taking at the time of the irregularity.
- All testers must provide at least one valid photo ID with the same name as on the test appointment documentation prior to a test being administered.
- Personal belongings (other than those authorized on the Request for Non-CCC Course Proctoring form). cell phones, or other electronic devices will be stored by the CCC Testing Center upon arrival and are not permitted in the testing area.
Test Accommodations for CCC Students
Proctoring for accommodations are available on Mondays from 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. for CCC students in Lab 3201 of the Paksoy Technology Center. In order to receive accommodations, students must have accommodations approved through Disability Services. All test accommodations, including extended time or separate room testing, should be scheduled by emailing For more information or to request test accommodations, please click Test Accommodations.