A well-trained workforce may be the critical consideration in your company’s decision to locate, expand or remain in Cleveland County. Working with our economic and workforce development partners, Cleveland Community College provides customized training to support full-time production and direct customer service positions.

How We Help
- Pre-employment assessments
- Safety, continuous improvement and leadership training
- Post-hire technical training
- Critical soft-skills training
- Proprietary process and equipment (OEM) training
- State-funded training assistance
We will work with your company to identify short- and long-term training needs, then develop customized training specific to your strategic business plan. We aim to help your business succeed by supporting three key aspects of your company’s well-being: Job Growth, Technology Investment, and Productivity Enhancement.
Businesses eligible for the state-funded NCWorks Customized Training Project include:
- Manufacturing

- Technology Intensive (i.e., Information Technology, Life Sciences)
- Regional or National Warehousing and Distribution Centers
- Customer Support Centers
- Air Courier Services
- National Headquarters with operations outside of North Carolina
- Civil Service employees providing technical support to US military installations in NC
Is Our Company Eligible?
To receive funding assistance for an NCWorks Customized Training Project, eligible businesses must demonstrate two or more of the following criteria:
- The business is making an appreciable capital investment.
- The business is deploying new technology.
- The business is creating jobs, expanding an existing workforce, or enhancing the productivity and profitability of the operations within the State.
- The skills of the workers will be enhanced by the assistance.
Resources support training assessment, instructional design costs, and training delivery for personnel involved in the direct production of goods and services. Production and technology support is also eligible for training funds.
Contact Information
Tonya Arrington, Director of Customized Training
Telephone: (704) 669-4182
Email: arringtot581@clevelandcc.edu